Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tapping into well-being

The idea of how well-being comes to life seems to be a simple notion of focus. In my life and in my work, I am delighted when whatever becomes the focus, shows up a whole lot more in life. I get to choose where I focus. Am I looking at what is working or what isn't working? Last week, I was talking with a friend about how she was feeling. She was feeling pain from a headache.
I have been a health care provider for over 20 years; my first response was to ask about the pain... quality, quantity, etc.
After listening carefully for a few minutes, I stopped myself and switched my inquiry to what didn't hurt. Where was her body functioning well? In a matter of seconds we found ourselves in an avalanche of well-being with a few granules of pain left over from the once prominent headache.
A simple switch of focus allowed us to tap into well-being that was there all along.

A lovely reminder to check... where am I focusing right now... on the yuck or on the joy???

Monday, February 12, 2007

Making a change.

I suppose if I am to make use of this technology, it would be a great idea to post something now and again... at least with greater frequency than I have in the past. The thing is, I am a caregiver, a person in the service of you.
I assist you in solving problems, finding your way to a better life... A life that is more fulfilling, more on target with those things that have meaning to you.
Did you know you could have a life in balance? Did you know you could have control over your reactions? Did you know you could learn to respond to life's challenges with ease and less stress?

There are ways that your body, mind and spirit can support you in having a rich and vibrant experience each and every day.
All you have to do is be willing to make a change and start today.
Step 1 is recognizing you are dissatisfied in some way, in some aspect of your life.
Take a moment a review your life did anything pop in to your mind that you would like to experience differently? Did your body have a brief or dramatic feeling of discomfort when the change you thought of filled your mind?

In the area of body, mind and spirit you can shift your focus and begin to find relief by finding something for which you are grateful. Find one thing in each aspect of your life, now.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Money and Time

The perfect balance is an abundance of both. Money to support the activities I get to do in my abundance of time.
Does it feel mutually exclusive? Or is it the perfect balance?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Time is relative

It seems a while since I have made any additions to my blog... but since APRIL???!!! OK, it has been a, is that a long while? This is when I get to say "Time is Relative" literally. My mother, my brother, his wife, my partner's sister, my niece and niece-lette (great niece), my partner's brother .... yikes! We have had a lot of family over the spring and summer.

The great thing about spending time with family is, it reminds me of how grateful I am for the life I lead and the choices I have made. I choose happiness. I choose joy. I choose fun.

Until next time.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Time to reflect

Who can believe it is already APRIL? Not me. The last 3+ months have offered up a whirl of family chaos that does not seem to be ending soon. I kept thinking the chaos would resolve itself and I could get on with my own personal adventures,but no. So, I am taking this as a personal reminder to get on with it. I am taking Nike's motto to heart and applying to my life, it is time to JUST DO IT!
April is a time of new growth in our external world and our internal world.
What is it you are growing for your self? Wisdom? Confidence? Fun? Strength?
Take a few minutes to review this week of work and play... are you in balance with equal parts of fun and work? Social and introspection?
Can life really be as simple as I make it or I live it?


Friday, December 23, 2005

Holiday Greetings

Happy Holidays!
May your days be merry and bright
and your nights filled with peaceful slumber.
Wishing you joyous and prosperous new year.

Bernie and Celenia

Monday, December 12, 2005

Balance and computers

It occurs to me, in order for one to be in balance with computers... one needs to have a computer guru to guide them. I have one and I am grateful! Computer balance is about knowledge, lingo and understanding the translation.